Ingame Nickname: Godly / Kajarn
Age: 22
Class: High Wizard
Level: Yet to make - wouldn't take me long
Build (PvE, WoE, FS, etc. ...): 99 Dex / 99 Int / 25agi (i would round the int out for a bonus depending on what gears I can get)
Gears (or expected final gears):
(Post screenshot or unlock gears in game)
Not sure what they have on this server for gears but usually:
RWC Hat / HMH - Sunnies (both s.golem) - 4leafclover - bg set +3 dex armor with salamander / zombie slaughter / marc
flameskull valk / 2 nimble OGs with brave bg wand.
About me: Been playing ragnarok since beta and currently woe with resq on iRO (he a baddie linker ) - don't have fav class
(i.e. how long have you been playing Ragnarok, most favorite class, etc.)
Usual online times: GMT +0 - UK baby
(24h format ; in GMT+1 or PST Server Time)
Do you have any experience MVPing:
If yes, which: All of them
Do you have a mic: Yes
(Speaking is not required)
Will you download/join our Ventrilo: Where is the fun not joining vent.
Based on the class you are applying with, what do you expect to do during WoE: Kill shit, simple as.
(Who do you kill, who do you support, what is your role, etc.)
Age: 22
Class: High Wizard
Level: Yet to make - wouldn't take me long
Build (PvE, WoE, FS, etc. ...): 99 Dex / 99 Int / 25agi (i would round the int out for a bonus depending on what gears I can get)
Gears (or expected final gears):
(Post screenshot or unlock gears in game)
Not sure what they have on this server for gears but usually:
RWC Hat / HMH - Sunnies (both s.golem) - 4leafclover - bg set +3 dex armor with salamander / zombie slaughter / marc
flameskull valk / 2 nimble OGs with brave bg wand.
About me: Been playing ragnarok since beta and currently woe with resq on iRO (he a baddie linker ) - don't have fav class
(i.e. how long have you been playing Ragnarok, most favorite class, etc.)
Usual online times: GMT +0 - UK baby
(24h format ; in GMT+1 or PST Server Time)
Do you have any experience MVPing:
If yes, which: All of them
Do you have a mic: Yes
(Speaking is not required)
Will you download/join our Ventrilo: Where is the fun not joining vent.
Based on the class you are applying with, what do you expect to do during WoE: Kill shit, simple as.
(Who do you kill, who do you support, what is your role, etc.)