Ingame Nickname: Articakes
Class: Creo
Level: Yamp
Build (PvE, WoE, FS, etc. ...): 99 int 99 dex 25 agi
Gears (or expected final gears):
(Post screenshot or unlock gears in game)
Current Evolve gears. Smokie swap, jakk swap, ED swap. Sry too lazy to BG for MoH on this server.
About me:
(i.e. how long have you been playing Ragnarok, most favorite class, etc.)
Been playing RO since iRO beta on and off. Really got into it during Euph/Eternity v2. Took a couple years break then came back to Aeternus, Evolve, and now Sanc. I like to play anything, whichever class is needed most. My only WoE experience is with DD Creo and Sniper.
Usual online times:
(24h format ; in GMT+1 or PST Server Time)
0100-0600 PST, and most of the day when I don't have work.
Do you have any experience MVPing:
If yes, which: All pre-renewal including Nydd.
Do you have a mic: Yamp
(Speaking is not required)
Will you download/join our Ventrilo: MY VENT
Based on the class you are applying with, what do you expect to do during WoE:
(Who do you kill, who do you support, what is your role, etc.)
I bomb high vit classes that move into bad positions like profs and paladins, I FCP my party during non-gvg downtimes, I don't push too far so that I die.
Class: Creo
Level: Yamp
Build (PvE, WoE, FS, etc. ...): 99 int 99 dex 25 agi
Gears (or expected final gears):
(Post screenshot or unlock gears in game)
Current Evolve gears. Smokie swap, jakk swap, ED swap. Sry too lazy to BG for MoH on this server.
About me:
(i.e. how long have you been playing Ragnarok, most favorite class, etc.)
Been playing RO since iRO beta on and off. Really got into it during Euph/Eternity v2. Took a couple years break then came back to Aeternus, Evolve, and now Sanc. I like to play anything, whichever class is needed most. My only WoE experience is with DD Creo and Sniper.
Usual online times:
(24h format ; in GMT+1 or PST Server Time)
0100-0600 PST, and most of the day when I don't have work.
Do you have any experience MVPing:
If yes, which: All pre-renewal including Nydd.
Do you have a mic: Yamp
(Speaking is not required)
Will you download/join our Ventrilo: MY VENT
Based on the class you are applying with, what do you expect to do during WoE:
(Who do you kill, who do you support, what is your role, etc.)
I bomb high vit classes that move into bad positions like profs and paladins, I FCP my party during non-gvg downtimes, I don't push too far so that I die.